Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
got a new camera thanks to alex my love and a new box of hair color what do you think I think I am addicted brown is definitely in. Garen is still in his oral stage trying to bite me but not as much we just finally ordered his hearing brain whatever therapy for his magnified hearing to stimulate proper function. I dont know really what Im talking about until I see it happen. We closed the house in utah and now we only own one house and one mortgage yaaaaa!! Lately really low with illness and feeling ugly so i colored hair to get me out of pjs and make up can sometimes help. I think I need to fit the make up in more often so I dont feel so well old.
Friday, October 9, 2009

ok well it took some playing around but i figured how to get my phone pictures on google. Sprint makes it so hard they will let you send them to facebook but not download them to your computer only order from them so I hope I am not stealing so these are doubles from facebook. Now that I have sorta of a camera I will try to take more pics to send to blog. Right now I have a sore throat either from yelling or from being sick. I am going to work at the temple tonight with alex from 9-12 at night fun date So hopefully I can get better. Lately I have been having a really hard time. I am going to the temple once a week to help me stop yelling and be a better mom. I feel like I am being walked all over. I read my baby book my mom wrote of how sweet I was and it makes me sad because where did I go. I come home and only some of my kids a very small amount completely ignore and yell at me. I feel like I need to love this individual more but the more I give I feel like this person walks all over me then I turn mean and I hate who I am when I get so upset. it breaks my heart.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Kalen's Baptism: Well one beautiful day we arrived right on time filled the tub and waited for the guests. When who would appear but Garen and his yelling screaming and pulling the fire alarm where we exited the extremely cool church to the scorching outside to wait for the alarm to stop. So the fire trucks came and with a smile on his face
garen was able to make a special day even better for kalen. We then
finished the lovely meeting and left to get Kalen's ears pierced(thankyou abuelita/abuelito sarabia)
Miss all and hope to see soon.
garen was able to make a special day even better for kalen. We then
Friday, July 3, 2009
I just wanted to say thank you thank you and TH-ANK YOU(for bevan who says I say it wrong)
everyone was sooo thoughtful and made me feel soo loved and I even wore a dress for alex ( he says I never wear them) so I had to get it on pictures and high heals (i always wear these sandals flat so I don't trip) I am a not cordinated. But I miss and love you all. It was a wonderful Birthday I am now 53 dont I look good for 53 oh ya im 35 well there is alway surgery.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Happy 8th B-Day to the such a sweet affectionate baby girl
. She is such a touchy girl with a lot of emotion. Kalen I am soooo happy Heavenly Father gave me you. You have helped me to be more affectionate and I know you will teach me one day to be a little more girly. For those of you who don't know Kalen she can beat any boy in a race with high heals. She raced her older brother by 5 years and he had to bang into her to beat her and she still tied him and that was her 4th race in a row. She is the type of sweet spirited girl that can make you feel a whole lot better with a simple tender loving look and hug. She's definitely a daddy's girl! The boys better be careful because daddy owns a SHOTGUN and a variety of other weapons.(that part was from her dad)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
we had some girl time the girls try to put make up on me and did my hair and then put make up on themselves which only lasted about two minutes where they then wiped it all off. I guess a bit too like me. Alex wrote me the most amazing letter out of the blue I wanted to cry he has never been like that I realized he is an unbelievable writer I don't think he ever knew he was
. But I adore, admire and i am utterly in love with my husband and he is dang cute too.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
how do i look eighty and my husband looks 18 still ok maybe 21 well at least he is blind to my oldest. well I read the version of edwards story of twilight and oh my gosh I feel like a teenager alex said he would be my edward well I twilight series is the only romance novels I have read but it sure beats the lonely history Ive been into lately and health books for my diseaseAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I have slept I think 3 times in two months why am I not dead yet but it sure is taking a toll on my face. just think second coming I will look young again and my breast will rebound from off the floor.. thankyou for all the bouncing nursing babies.
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