Sunday, May 24, 2009

how do i look eighty and my husband looks 18 still ok maybe 21 well at least he is blind to my oldest. well I read the version of edwards story of twilight and oh my gosh I feel like a teenager alex said he would be my edward well I twilight series is the only romance novels I have read but it sure beats the lonely history Ive been into lately and health books for my diseaseAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I have slept I think 3 times in two months why am I not dead yet but it sure is taking a toll on my face. just think second coming I will look young again and my breast will rebound from off the floor.. thankyou for all the bouncing nursing babies.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am laughing up a storm... you can't just talk about your bosoms like that! But it is so true. Hey, you don't look old, you probably just FEEL old. I have had two bad nights and I feel really aweful, don't know how it would be for so prolonged a time! You hang in there, there must be answers just waiting to surface!