Well I came home with some form of poison oak or ivy. It spread across my body and went systemic which means went through my blood. Well I went to a dermatologist and a md who both didn't figure it out until it spread through my body I went to my natural store walked in and they said wow you got poison ivy/oak for 30 bucks I was able to stop the spread of uncontrolable itching I spent over 300 dollars at doctors for them to say I dont know looks like an allergic reaction and then gave me cream that I was allergic to and made it feel like an acid burn. Well two months later I am still trying to clean my blood from this poison I have to do it slowly because of nursing so I have only done two one day cleanses. Also to just let you all know Riley who I am so proud of is finishing his first 9 day cleanse which is really two days of cleansing 5 days of food and 2 more days of cleansing. Well he already lost ten pounds and looking great. We got back from our trip and he ate like there was no tomorrow especially and alex's moms house who kept downing him with every known junk you could eat well he came back with a tire and felt like crap so I told him if he changed his eating I would let him cleanse but he was not going to do the alex thing where he cleanses before a trip drops weight just to eat like a cow. Now for all of you who think I don't eat no one in the house eats more than me my food is just good for you but you should see the plates of food I eat. ok I will send the recital video soon when it gets forward to me the kids were awesome.

I love those pictures, I love your kids.
the kids look so happy in these pics! I love them! What a fun place for them to play! Good for you, Riley!
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